City Trip

On Monday the 23rd we went to these places:

  • Canterbury museum
  • On a city walk
  • Christchurch art gallery(Te puna o waiwhetu)

So What?
At the art gallery we looked at the len lye sculptures and my favorite was the fire bush
On the city walk we had to find a painting that mr rule did a selfie with.
Now What?
Next time I would find my camera charger, charge my camera and take photos             


On Tuesday and Wednesday we had athletics at school.
 My favorite event was high jump because it was fun even though I got out on my first  and second jump.
Something I am proud of is sprints because I was the only person from  5GF
A challenge I faced was running in the house relay because it felt like my legs would FALL OFF!
So what?
What happens is we split into age groups and we rotated around.
Now What?
Next time I would like to be better at high jump to get to the top 10.

C.A.R.E Values Blog, Week 8-9, term 3

My goal is to develop the consistent use of our CARE Values towards all the people I interact with and for myself .

  • My strengths are in respect because it makes you feel good, so you do it LOTS!
  • I have achieved my bronze certificate.
  • I am working on my silver certificate.

  • I am going to work towards excellence,  because it's hard to get a highlight.


PE/Sport Blog, Week 6-7, term 3

You can use any of  following to help you complete your art attack blog

For PE/Sport my goals were to use:
  • Positive relationships with individuals or groups.
  • Positive teamwork

(don’t copy this: Write about some of the following things)
  • From the rubrics below choose where you think you are on the both of the rubrics.
    • PE: Relationships with individuals and groups
  • Give evidence

PE: Relationships with individuals and groups

I can work in a group with anyone in my  year level or team  because I listen to the person organising the game and play the right way and not cheat.

PE: Teamwork
I can get on with it and just play and work with anyone.

  • I will practice being positive if we are on the losing end.
  • I will participate more fully.

PE: Relationships with individuals and groups

Relationships: Individuals and groups
I need help to work in a group (with teachers or other students
I can work in a group with my friends.
I can work in a group with anyone in my  year level or team  

I can work in a group with anyone in my year level or team …
….and respond positively to the needs of others
I can work in a group with anyone in my year level or team …
….and respond positively to the needs of others
…. and reflect on how well I work with the group and seek feedback on how I can improve
Effective Strategies
[insert strategies suggested by students and teachers]
Show examples
Give opportunities to practise
Give clear instructions (step by step).
Do situational teaching
Revisit, recap and remind
Give repeated opportunities to practise.
Give repeated opportunities to practise.

PE: Teamwork

Relationships: Teamwork

Related skills: take part, treat each member with respect, value all contributions, don’t take comments personally, work together.
I need help to interact with others.

I need help to participate in a team.
I can interact with others one to one.

I can participate in a team.
I can interact with others in a small group.

I can participate and take responsibility in a team.

I can interact with others in a team, adopting different roles to meet different demands.

I can participate and take responsibility in a team and explain my choices in terms of team outcomes.
I can interact confidently with others in a team and make individual compromises based on identifying ways to improve team outcomes.

I can participate in creating healthy teams by taking responsibility and critical action.
Effective Strategies
[insert strategies suggested by students and teachers]
Show examples, demonstrate and give opportunities to practise
Give clear instructions (step by step), prompt, do situational teaching.
Revisit, recap and remind
Give repeated opportunities to practise.
Give repeated opportunities to practise.

Art Attack Blog, Week 5, term 3

For art attack my goal was to produce a piece of art related to our local landscape using either paint, watercolor or pastel.

With Mrs Marsh I learned about foreground, midground and background in landscapes.
With Mr Forman I learned about colour and complementary colours.
With Mr Rule I looked at the different landscape features of Canterbury and Banks Peninsula.

  • What features did you included in your art? boulders,rainbow, road and sea.
  • What techniques did you use? wet-on-wet and wet-on dry.
  • What you found easy/ difficult? my rainbow.

  • I would like to try paint if I did another landscape because it would look nice.
  • I would like to get better at showing foreground, mid ground and background


My learning Goals For Term 3

I have been identifying my literacy goals for the start of term 3.
My reading teacher is Mrs Marsh.
My writing teacher is Mrs Marsh.

So What?
My handwriting goal is to slope and flick.

My spelling goal is to complete list 8.

My writing goal is to write about a moment in time using a picture prompt.

My reading goal is to understand what the author has written in a paragraph to help us make a sensible prediction what will happen in the next paragraph.
Now What?
My blog goals are to 
  • add more detail to my blog posts.
  • proofread and edit my blog post before publishing.
  • use a variety of ways to show my learning. (text, photos/images, video)
  • complete all the set blogs for this term.

reciprocal reading

What?I am learning about reciprocal reading

So What? the four key steps are:Prediction,clarification,questioning and summarising

Now What?I would like to have a turn at being the leader

Term 2 Highlights

Things I have enjoyed this term are:
-Basketball because I'm in a team with some friends.
-Passion project because we get lot's of time.
-KIVA game because it means we can test how much we know.
-Choir because it's fun.
-Guitar because it means that I can play an instrument. 
-Integrated learning because I am working on a new playground.


W.A.L.T create a rap on anti-bullying.
To start off we had to write a rap on school.
Some of the raps that I wrote is:
1.I was doing some spelling,
And I started smelling.
I got my answers wrong,
And the teacher called me wong!
2.I like art,
But my teacher like fart.

My painting’s up drying,
So I did some frying.

So What?
I have learnt that to write a rap you need to have the first two lines and the last two lines need to rhyme.

Now What?
My next step is to write a rap on bullying.

Dancing With Dean

IHBL: a hip routine
         a cha cha routine
         to combine different movements in to a dance routine to Treasure by Bruno Mars
         to combine different cha cha moves into a dance routine to Can't Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake

So What?
 My favourite dance step was the pulling up the socks.
 I found remembering the correct sequence for the dance routines challenging

Now what?
I would like to learn the salsa


I have been learning to solve addition problems by first jumping by a tidy number then jumping back
I have been learning to solve addition problems by using compensating from tidy numbers
I have been learning to solve subtraction problems by using equal additions from a tidy number

So What?
  • I have learned that it is easier to make one of the numbers into a tidy number as it is easier to work out the answer.
  • I have learned that when you have an equation like 73 - 28  = you can either add the same number to both sides, or you can subtract the same number from both sides
Now What?
My next step is to use this strategy with larger numbers


I am learning to write an information report on Oaklands school.

So What?
My writing teacher is Mr Rule.
On Tuesday Miss Mackenzie teaches us.   
I know that an information report has facts, images / pictures, sub headings and it is organised into paragraphs.
It starts with an introduction and ends with a summary.

Now What?
My next steps are:

  • Organise my ideas visually so that you can see the paragraphs. That means that I don't write one big blob but skip two lines to show a new paragraph.
  • to get better at organising my ideas into paragraphs.


I am learning about reading response when you write down the author, title and genre. This activity is about the book you are reading for SSR

So What? 
My reading teacher is Mr Rule. He works in room 6 5IR.
The SML teacher is Mrs Marsh.
My writing teacher is also Mr Rule.
Writing is on every day and  reading I go to the SML room on Monday and Wednesday. Every other day I'm with Mr Rule
What next?
I would like to get better at information reports.
I would like to get better at remembering the class I'm meant to be in.

Te Reo

What? We have been learning about ko au which means me myself and I

So What? Something I have learnt to say is:E hia o tau?(how old are you?) and E Iwa(I am nine).

Now What? My next learning step is to say my mihi with no help.

Keeping Ourself Safe

We are learning about Keeping Ourselves Safe

So What?
In KOS there are 5 areas: confident me, safe or unsafe, no excuse for abuse,why should I tell, what have I learnt.

What have I learnt?
I have learnt that there is lots of types of abuse and it is important to report it.