
I have been learning to solve addition problems by first jumping by a tidy number then jumping back
I have been learning to solve addition problems by using compensating from tidy numbers
I have been learning to solve subtraction problems by using equal additions from a tidy number

So What?
  • I have learned that it is easier to make one of the numbers into a tidy number as it is easier to work out the answer.
  • I have learned that when you have an equation like 73 - 28  = you can either add the same number to both sides, or you can subtract the same number from both sides
Now What?
My next step is to use this strategy with larger numbers


I am learning to write an information report on Oaklands school.

So What?
My writing teacher is Mr Rule.
On Tuesday Miss Mackenzie teaches us.   
I know that an information report has facts, images / pictures, sub headings and it is organised into paragraphs.
It starts with an introduction and ends with a summary.

Now What?
My next steps are:

  • Organise my ideas visually so that you can see the paragraphs. That means that I don't write one big blob but skip two lines to show a new paragraph.
  • to get better at organising my ideas into paragraphs.


I am learning about reading response when you write down the author, title and genre. This activity is about the book you are reading for SSR

So What? 
My reading teacher is Mr Rule. He works in room 6 5IR.
The SML teacher is Mrs Marsh.
My writing teacher is also Mr Rule.
Writing is on every day and  reading I go to the SML room on Monday and Wednesday. Every other day I'm with Mr Rule
What next?
I would like to get better at information reports.
I would like to get better at remembering the class I'm meant to be in.